Lei Yue Mun
- Literally, Lei Yue Mun is the name of a short channel which connect Junk Bay and Victoria Harbour, separating Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. It is the east entrance of Vitoria Harbour. In common, Lei Yue Mun is usually referred to the lands nearby in both Kowloon side and the Hong Kong Island side. Lei Yue Mun has become more famous to the local people and tourists because of its seafood restaurants in the Kowloon side. However, few of the tourist, or even the Hong Kong people, know about its importance to the history of Hong Kong.
Political and military importance to Hong Kong:
- Lei Yue Mun is strategically important with its location in the wartime period, which guarding the eastern entrance of the Victoria Harbour. As early as 1840s, the British has built up barracks in the Hong Kong Island side of the Lei Yue Mun. In 1880s, the British has construct batteries and 18 casemates to function as barrack rooms, magazines, shell store and coal store in the Lei Yue Mun Headland. The guns installed st Lei Yue Mun can completely cover the Lei Yue Mun Channel, securing the entrance of Victoria Harbour from the East. After the wartime, the British has transformed it as a traing ground for the British Forces and abandoned it since 1987. In 1990s, the government has decided to develop these former military defence facilities into a museum in regards to its significance in Hong Kong history.
Social and cultural importance to Hong Kong:
- The village near Lei Yue Mun in Kowloon, Sam Ka Tsuen, is relying on fishing and mining for living. While the mining industry has been one of the sunset industries in Hong Kong, the economy of village is gradually relying on tourism. Lei Yue Mun is a popular tourist spot with its well-known seafood restaurants, which is located in the east of Kowloon. The ordering method in Lei Yue Mun is quite unique. Customers buy the fresh seafood from the tank in the market stall first, and then take them to the nearby restaurants to cook with a charging fee.
- The Annual Cross Habour Race is a memorable event in Hong Kong since 1906, and ended in 1978. This iconic event is being revival in 2011, in which swimmers racing across the Lei Yue Mun from the Kowloon side to the Hong Kong Island side.
Access to Lei Yue Mun:
To Kowloon side:
To Hong Kong Island side:
Further Reading:
- Discover Hong Kong (Lei Yue Mun): http://www.discoverhongkong.com/ca/dine-drink/where-to-eat/lei-yue-mun.jsp
- Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence: http://hk.coastaldefence.museum/en_US/web/mcd/aboutus/history.html
- Cross Harbour Race: http://www.hkharbourrace.com/.